Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Members Meeting & Program Minutes
January 19, 2021 Via Zoom
CALL TO ORDER: President Kim Thurman called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m. via Zoom; a quorum was established. Kim welcomed everyone to our first Members’ meeting of the year.
MINUTES APPROVAL: The minutes of the December 15, 2020, Members Meeting were read by Secretary Loretta Barker. There were no corrections. Motion: Katie Haugse moved that the minutes be accepted as read; Pat Jenkins seconded. Motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT. The Treasurer’s Report dated December 31 2020, was presented by Stephen Kazar in absence of Treasurer, Barbara Shrewsberry.
General Income $ 3,521.00
Program Income 1,426.32
Total $ 4,984.94
General Expense $ 1,973.98
Program Expense 1,648.56
Total $ 3,659.66
Interest 1.65
Net Income $ 1,326.93
It was noted that the Library was closed the entire month of December.
Installation of 2021 Directors. Andrea Patterson is standing in for Ruth Wade as installing officer. She installed the following directors: Library: Anne Billeter; Technology and Data Management: Rich Miles; Membership: Margaret Clark-Mayfield; Education: Pat Jenkins and Barbara Halvorsen; and Finance: Stephen Kazar. President Kim Thurman thanked these directors for their willingness to serve the Society.
Board Actions. Kim reviewed the Board actions as shown n the Agenda and noted the classes, seminars, and Interest Groups that were coming up.
Program. Kim introduced Jeff Roberts, who chairs the Genetic Genealogy Interest Group. He will speak to us today about protecting ourselves online. Jeff gave us a wonderful and sobering talk about keeping our files safe while we are online. He strongly suggested that we all use a password manager for our accounts. A password manager has the ability to generate safe passwords for each of our accounts and will keep track of them for us. He recommended that we read Scam Me If You Can, by Frank Abagnale and listen to the podcast The Perfect Scam. Kim Thurman thanked Jeff for providing us with this needed information.
Closing Kim adjourned the meeting at 2:57 p.m. The next Member Meeting will be on February 16, 2021.
Loretta Barker, Secretary