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Search Records
To restrict the search to just one type of records (i.e. Vital Records, Obituaries, Court Records, Land Records), click the menu labelled 'All Records' and select a Record Type. Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths will be found under 'Vital Records'.
If you choose a specific Record Type, you will have the opportunity to further refine the search by Category. Each Record Type has a different set of Categories. For example, selecting 'Vital Records' will let you filter by Births, Marriages, Divorces or Deaths, and selecting 'Court Records' will let you filter by wills, legal actions, judgements or naturalizations.
To search using last/first/middle names, include additional names in the 'First Name' and/or 'Middle Name' boxes. Many historical records are kept using a last name with only a first or middle initial, so try a search using the full last name and the full first and/or middle name, then do a new search using the full last name and just the first and/or middle inital.
Searches do not currently support the use of wildcard characters or partial names.
Search by name will automatically return records containing common nick names and alternative spellings. For example, a search using a first name of "John" will return results for not only "John", but also for "Johnathan", "Jon", "Johnny" and "Jack".
To restrict the search to a range of dates, enter the earliest date into "From" and the latest date into "To".
If you choose a specific Category, you will have the opportunity to further refine the search by Source. Each Category has a different set of Sources. For example, selecting 'Births' will let you filter by Birth Announcements in the Medford Mail Tribune (MMT), Ashland Tidings (AT), and others. These sources are often broken into date ranges. After selecting source, click the book for more info about the source.
Search Help
To conduct a full, simple search, enter a name into 'Last Name' then click the 'Search' button at the bottom of the page.
Searches do not currently support the use of wildcard characters or partial names.
Use other 'help' buttons for detailed information and tips
To remove all previous search criteria, click 'Reset'.