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About Our Free Programs
RVGS offers a variety of free events that are open to everyone. Below are the regularly occurring programs. Watch the eNews, Facebook, and website for other free events.
Program & Member Meetings
The Rogue Valley Genealogical Society meets the third Tuesday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30 PM. Starting in September, these meetings will be conducted via Zoom. Each gathering consists of a brief business meeting and a genealogy- or history-related program. The exceptions are July and August when the society takes a summer break, and December when the society holds its annual Holiday Party, Volunteer Awards Ceremony, and Installation of Officers. The programs are free for everyone, and guests are encouraged to attend. Watch our event calendar for specifics. The program titles are listed in the event registration dropdown list. Only non-members need register, see below.
Non-members - click here to register. Registration closes the day before the meeting and a Zoom link is sent to all registrants. If you do not receive the link by 5:00 PM the day before the meeting, check your spam folder, then email
Meeting Agendas - click here to view or download the meeting agendas. Select the date you want to view. Once open, click Attachments in the top right corner of the agenda if you would like a PDF to print.