Annual Fund Drive

*May 2024 

Dear Rogue Valley Genealogical Society (RVGS) Members and Supporters,
On behalf of RVGS, I would like to thank you for your support in exceeding our annual fund goal in 2023. With your donations we have been able to maintain our subscription research websites, including providing remote access to many of them, upgrade our technology systems, and improve our audio/visual equipment enabling us to offer quality hybrid classes and meetings. These improvements increase our ability to fulfill our mission to inspire interest in genealogy, educate the public, and maintain a sustainable library.
Our 2024 Annual Fund goal is once again $20,000. This allows us to continue the operation of the library while keeping our membership dues affordable. Membership dues only cover about a third of our financial needs.
RVGS is facing new challenges. In the near future, the highway project is going to require us to move our highway signs and to lose some of our parking spaces. We have been annexed into the City of Phoenix, which brings higher costs for water and additional city fees. Finally, our library collection is growing beyond the capacity of our building. Please read our monthly eNews and attend our June 18 membership meeting to learn more about these challenges and discuss our plans for addressing them.
Your generous and faithful participation in our society is vital. Contributions can be made in one of three ways. You can:
  1. Return the donation slip below with your check in the envelope provided.
  2. Go to the Support Us tab above and choose Annual Fund Drive to donate online with a credit/debit card or PayPal account.
  3. Drop off a donation at the library at 3405 South Pacific Hwy, Medford, during library open hours: Monday – Saturday, 10 AM – 4 PM. 
All donations are tax deductible as RVGS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, #93-0684590. If you take Required Minimum Distributions, you can donate all or any part of the distribution directly; send your request to the administrator of your fund. In addition, if you donate a matching amount to the Oregon Cultural Trust, you can receive a tax credit for the ENTIRE amount of your donation (maximum $1,000 for a couple; $500 single). Just go to for more details.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you so very much for your donation.
Anne Billeter
RVGS President

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