Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, September 13, 2021

Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Board Meeting Minutes
Date:  September 13, 2021
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order by President Kim Thurman, at 9:28 am via Zoom; a quorum was declared.  Those present were:  Katie Haugse, Loretta Barker, Barbara Shrewsberry, Barbara Northrop, Pat Jenkins, Barbara Halvorsen, Anne Billeter, and Rich Miles.  Guest present was Marilyn Ayres.

Motion 2021-36.  Rich Miles moved that the July 12, 2021 Minutes be approved with changes made.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion passed.

Motion 2021-37.  Katie Haugse moved that the August 9, 2021 Minutes be approved with the changing of the word “ents” to “events,” under the Technology Report.  Anne Billeter seconded.  Motion passed.

Statement of Activity
General Income                23,477.08
Program Income                    615.70
                 Total Income    24,092.78
General Expenses               2,196.81
Program Expenses                 443.45
                 Total Expenses    2,640.26
Interest                                         1.14
Endowment Fund Donation  300.00
Life Membership                     500.00
Rewards Income                      214.28
                Net Income    $  22,467.94

It is noted that the library was open for three hours a day, 1-4 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 
Motion 2021-38.  Rich Miles moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report for June 2021 as submitted.  Katie Haugse seconded.  Motion passed. 

Major Member Donation.  Member Bruce Bearg donated $20,000 and asked that it be designated for the Scholarship Fund.  There was a discussion as to where this money should be put so we have access to it when needed:  Restricted Fund or Endowment Fund?  We can only take interest from the Endowment Fund, so it was agreed to put this money into the Restricted Fund.  Marilyn Ayres stated that we should be hearing from this year’s scholarship winner shortly.  Last year’s winner was not recognized due to our COVID restrictions.  It was suggested that perhaps we could recognize both winners at our December member meeting (if we are able to have an “in-person” meeting).  

Approval for February 2022 Seminar.  Jane Neff Rollins will present Genealogy Potpourri.  Pat Jenkins noted that we sent $100 to her to hold the date.  She needs approval for the total speaking fee of  $400.00.
Motion 2021-39.  Pat Jenkins moved that we approve $400 to be sent to Jane Neff Rollins for the Genealogy Potpourri Seminar in February 2022.  Rich Miles seconded.  Motion passed.
NewspaperArchive Demo.  Anne Billeter received a cold call from a rep from NewspaperArchive regarding our using their product.  Kim Thurman would like to set a demonstration after October 20.  After some discussion, the morning of  October 22 on Zoom was set for a demonstration.  Kim will contact the rep and let her know.

Nominating Committee 2022.  Kim contacted ten members to volunteer for the Nominating Committee and no one agreed to serve.  It is really tough because we aren’t able to meet in person and many officers/others are experiencing burnout.  COVID has been tough on volunteers!!

Review of 2022 Budget Proposal.  Kim reviewed the budget and directed the Board’s attention to items which have been increased/decreased and the explanation for each.  NewspaperArchives (remote access) and the remote fee for HistoryGeo were added to the budget.  The proposed budget gives us a profit of $4,850.  We also reviewed the Capital Budget expenditures.  The most important item here is the replacement of the HVAC/AC unit in the meeting rooms; it is old and we replaced the one in the library recently.  We have received information that ODOT plans to redo sidewalks and add a bike lane on Pacific Highway in a long-range plan. We have a commitment from our Society to Southern Oregon Newspapers Project for $2,000 to scan back issues of the Ashland Tidings.  Members are contributing matching contributions of  $1,000 to this, so we will need to pay $1,000.
Motion 2021-40.  Rich Miles moved that we approve the budget for submission to the membership for approval.  Loretta Barker seconded.  Motion passed.

Reciprocal Research Agreement with JCHA members.  Dorothy Cotton brought this matter up to JCHA and there was a positive response.  This agreement would be between RVGS and JCHA members choosing to participate that there would be no charge for researching if the research is not for personal use.  Rich Miles pointed out that we have a similar agreement with SOHS and the agreement is posted on our website under Policies.  Anne Billeter will look at the SOHS agreement and write a similar one for JCHA.  Anne will send this to Kim Thurman as soon as possible and Kim will request an email vote from the Board so this can proceed quickly.

REPORTS – Approved without discussion unless action is noted below.

A.    Executive 
  1. President—Kim is still trying to make contact with the people at All-Natural Pest Control about our trash problem.
  2. Vice President—Katie Haugse said she went to McKee Bridge with Charlotte Wirfs for the Quilt Project.  There was a display board about Evelyn Williams recording some  history of the quilts she designed.  We have the display board in our library.  Katie said we made $3.00 from post cards and $25 from raffle tickets.
  3. Trustee—Kim Thurman congratulated Barbara Northrop on receiving her Certified Genealogist credential.   Barbara noted that she sent out a revised Trustee Report for August.
  4. Past President— vacant.  All policy revisions are on hold at present.
B.    Directors
  1. Finance—Stephen Kazar has resigned this position.  Katie Haugse, Rich Miles, and Kim Thurman are working on the Oregon Heritage grant which is due October 20.  They are trying to get it submitted early in case there are any issues that might need revision.
  2. Volunteer—vacant.  Volunteer hours as reported by Rene Forncrook are:  Total July hours--816; Board member hours--325; number of volunteers--95; Total hours to date 2021—4,046.    Kim Thurman will email Rene Forncrook to see if she has this on a spreadsheet.  This would help review month to month numbers.  We also need to check out who these volunteers are because this could be a big help to the Nominating Committee.
  3. Library—Anne Billeter said that at the beginning of each month she mails three copies of the eNews to three persons who have requested to receive this by snail mail.  Two of these people have paid $7.00 for this service.  When she mailed these at the beginning of September, she added a note that the fees were due again.  Member Bob Hawk, who is 92 years old, sent in a check for $14 for two more years!
  4. Education—Pat Jenkins said the Education Committee has been discussing Seminars vs. workshops on Zoom; obviously Seminars are an all-day affair; is it better to have shorter workshops?  Andrea Patterson has contact with the Ulster Group.  If we make arrangements, they are willing to do a Zoom meeting in October.  Pat also has several new classes scheduled.  Lorita Cushman’s Genealogy Week class has been cancelled due to her inability to talk for two hours.  Pat is concerned going forward that if Lorita’s inability to talk continues we will not have any DNA classes.  It was suggested to contact Sherry Zucker.  Pat will give her a call.  Barbara Halvorsen facilitated the Irish Interest Group.  Eight have signed up for the class, but only three attended.  They have good ideas and already have some direction for this group.
  5. Membership—No report.  Margaret Clark-Mayfield is on vacation.  Kim Thurman noted that we are holding at 701 members.
  6. Technology—Rich Miles said he is continuing to work with Jeff on the hybrid meeting  camera system.  It will cost $1,000 for installation.  They are looking at a new projector (laser) which will cost about $1,500.  Total for this new system will be approximately $6,500.  The OHS grant we are applying for requires us to cost share.  It was suggested that we also look into the two-year service plan at a cost of $279.
C.    Committee Reports
  1. Publicity—No report
  2. Maintenance— Andrea Patterson said that Terry Fischer reported that three outside lights need to be replaced—this will be done this week.  Anne Billeter found a note at the front desk that the vacuum is still not working properly.  It is overheating and then will shut off.  Katie Haugse noted that we still need the women’s bathroom fan replaced.
  3. NGS Delegate- Katie Haugse attended the meeting last month and was sort of disappointed.  The small group she was assigned was frustrating and disappointing.  She did not get hybrid meeting information that she thought was going to be provided.  Anne Billeter noted that we may be the pioneers in hybrid meetings.
  4. Editors
    1. eNews—Deadline is the 20th of the month.  Rich Miles.  The eNews is in need of articles.  If you have something of interest, please submit it to
    2. The Rogue Digger—submit papers to Cara Davis-Jacobson. Cara is getting close to putting out the next issue.  If you know of anyone who has an article that could be used in this publication, please let Kim Thurman know.
        The next Board Meeting is scheduled for October 11, 2021, place to be determined.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.

Loretta Barker

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