Rogue Valley Genealogical Society
Members Meeting & Program Minutes
November 16, 2021 Via Zoom
CALL TO ORDER. President Kim Thurman called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m. via Zoom; a quorum was established. Kim welcomed everyone to our November Members’ meeting.
MINUTES APPROVAL. The minutes of the October 19, 2021, Members Meeting were presented by Secretary Loretta Barker. Motion: Pat Jenkins moved that the minutes be approved as submitted. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT. The Treasurer’s Report dated October 31, 2021, was presented by Kim Thurman in absence of Treasurer Barbara Shrewsberry.
General Income $ 2380.50
Program Income 823.78
Total Income 3,204.28
General Expense 2,025.96
Program Expense 340.16
Total Expenses 2,366.12
Interest 1.56
Rewards Income 5.91
Net Income $ 845.63
MEMBER SHARING. Anne Billeter said she was contacted by a third cousin who shares great-great grandparents with her. She found her cousin’s junior year high school picture on Ancestry and compared it with her own wedding picture—they could almost be twins!
2022 PROPOSED BUDGET. The proposed budget was presented to the membership by Kim Thurman. A copy of the proposed budget has been posted on our website and also posted in the RVGS Library for more than 30 days. Motion: Katie Haugse moved that we accept the 2022 Proposed Budget. Barbara MacMillen seconded. Motion passed. Note: Vote was taken by a show of hands via the chat window.
ELECTION OF 2022 OFFICERS. Kim Thurman noted that there is only one contested office—Trustee. Nominating Committee Chair Marilyn Ayres called for nominations from the floor—there were none. Marilyn read the bio’s from the two candidates for Trustee, Julie Goodwine and Lynne Hunter. The vote for Trustee was done by personal chat to Marilyn Ayres. Marilyn will report the outcome at the end of our meeting. Marilyn then read the slate of officers being presented: President: Kim Thurman; Vice President: Katie Haugse; Secretary, Loretta Barker; and Treasurer: Marijo Medcraft. In accordance with Article XIII, Section 5 of the current Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Bylaws, since there is only one candidate for each office, Kim Thurman requested the Secretary to cast a verbal consent resolution.
BOARD ACTIONS. Kim reviewed the Board items on the agenda. We currently have 703 members. The next Member Meeting will be Saturday, December 11, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. Installation of officers will be held and there will be a Christmas oriented theme.
PROGRAM. Barbara Halvorsen introduced Mary Tsui, an RVGS member, member of the German Genealogy Interest Group, and photo restorer for RVGS. She is also a native of the Rogue Valley. Mary gave us a very useful, helpful, and interesting talk about our photographs. She explained how an unsigned photo can give great details—look for clues in the clothing, surroundings, and even the jewelry that the people might be wearing. She reminded us that each of us may have pictures that no one else in our family has—be willing to share these (receiving copies from family members is a wonderful gift). It is important that we rescue our photos from old photo albums that use glue and/or acid covers. You can purchase acid free covers or acid free photo corners; Denmark or Germany make the best photo corners. It is also possible to clean and scan our old slides. Learn how to use software tools such as auto contrast, zoom, cloning, and auto color to name a few. Add old documents to your photo albums: marriage license, census and land records, wills, naturalization papers, birth and death certificates. Adding these items makes it more interesting and personal. She also showed us some digital albums which can be saved on thumb drives, a cloud service, etc. Be sure to show both the front and back of photos. Mary graciously agreed to stay around to answer any questions. Barbara Halvorsen thanked Mary for this very useful program.
RESULTS OF TRUSTEE ELECTION. Marilyn Ayres reported back to President Kim Thurman that Lynne Hunter had been elected Trustee. Installation of officers will take place at our December member meeting.
Next Member Meeting will be held on Saturday, December 11, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom,
Meeting adjourned at 3:13 p.m.
Loretta Barker, Secretary