Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, June 10, 2024

Society Board Meeting Minutes
10 June 2024

Call to Order
The regular RVGS Board meeting was called to order at 9:32 a.m. by President Anne Billeter. A quorum was declared.  In attendance: Anne Billeter, Frank Marksman, Cathy Ullrich, Kim Thurman, Ros Lyne, Katie Haugse, Ann Baracker, Loretta Barker, Rich Miles, Pam Olsen; absent Pat Jenkins, Matt Weismantel

Motion Number: 2024-35
Matter voted on: Appointment of Kim Thurman as interim treasurer
Date vote finalized: 17 May 2024
President Anne Billiter     X  
Vice President Frank Marksman X     5/17/24
Secretary Cathy Ullrich     X  
Treasurer Kim Thurman     X  
Trustee Ros Lynne X     5/17/24
Past President Katie Haugse X     5/17/24
Membership Director Loretta Barker X     5/17/24
Education Director Pat Jenkins     X  
Technology & Data Management Rich Miles X     5/17/24
Volunteer Director Ann Baracker X     5/17/24
Publications Pam Olsen X     5/17/24

Approval of May 2024 minutes
2024-36 Loretta Barker moved to approve the May 2024 Minutes as written. Kim Thurman seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Interim Treasurer Kim Thurman presented the amended treasurer reports from January through April.
2024-37 Frank Marksman moved to approve the January 2024 Treasurer’s Report as amended. Rich Miles seconded. Motion carried.
2024-38 Loretta Barker moved to approve the February 2024 Treasurer’s Report as amended. Ros Lyne seconded. Motion carried.
2024-39 Ros Lyne moved to approve the March 2024 Treasurer’s Report as amended. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried.
A discussion about how to record in-kind donations ensued.  The expense will be incurred in the appropriate expense account  [1] [2] with the income (donation) portion recorded under the 4940 In Kind Contributions account. The bottom line will ultimately be a wash, but both will reflect in the report.
2024-40 Rich Miles moved to approve the April 2024 Treasurer’s Report as amended. Katie Haugse seconded. Motion carried.
Noteworthy Income
See May Treasurer’s report - Kim did report we were notified that our sewer rate will increase 5.9% in August, similar to an adjustment at the same time last year.. We will need to take utility increases into account when preparing the 2025 budget.
Noteworthy Expenses
See May Treasurer’s Report
Total Income:                            $ 1,812.42
Total Expense                           $ 7,406.18
Net Operating Income            $-5,593.76
Net Income                               $-5,542.46
2024-41 Rich Miles moved to approve the May Treasurer’s Report. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried.
A discussion ensued where to place donations to RVGS specified by donors to a particular project . It was suggested that donors contribute funds to capital improvement.
2024-42 Frank Marksman moved that when a donor expresses interest in donating to a specific project, the Board shall encourage, but not require, that the donor contribute to the Capital Improvement Fund to be utilized at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Kim Thuman seconded. Motion carried.
It was suggested that a Board Member meet with donors of a sizable amount to discuss options. Anne Billeter and Frank Marksman will follow up.

Year End Report
Kim Thurman presented the Year End Report for 2023.
2024-43 Rich Miles moved to accept the Year End Report for 2023 as written. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried.
Allocation of Excess Funds
A discussion regarding the placement of excess funds from previous fiscal years took place as our balance is exceeding expenses. Suggestion of a money market account in place of our existing savings account was tendered. Discussion also ensued about perhaps switching from Banner Bank to Rogue Credit Union.
2024-44 Rich Miles moved that RVGS earmark the excess $31,000 into Capital Improvement as per Kim Thurman’s report. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried.
Frank Marksman will commence seeking bids to upgrade the HVAC system, which will be funded through these funds.

Financial Review
Our internal audit committee will include Anne Plummer, Ron Naumann, Ron Baracker (tentative), Al Ayres (tentative) and Ros Lyne as Trustee. Anne Billeter will appoint the committee in July.
New Business

Phoenix Chamber of Commerce
2024-45 Katie Haugse moved that RVGS join the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce for $120. Frank Marksman seconded. Motion carried.
Appointment of Maintenance Coordinator
Frank Marksman announced that Mike Meredith has agreed to be the Maintenance Coordinator. Approved by executive Board Members.

New Membership Process
Loretta Barker brought to the Board a tentative proposal to update our new membership process. Discussion and brain-storming ensued. The New Membership Committee will continue revisions and present at a later meeting.

Discussion of June Member Meeting
Anne Billeter reviewed her proposed agenda for the Member Meeting on 18 June.
Unfinished Business

Executive Reports
President - See report
Vice President - See report
Trustee  - Brief discussion about how to record OLLI and help sessions. See report
Past President - See report

Volunteer- See report
Technology and Data Management - See report
Membership - Loretta Barker will readjust May’s membership report.
Publications - Pam reported that Cindi Hobson is doing an excellent job on the Rogue Digger.

Committees and Coordinators
Publicity - none
Library - none
NGS - see report

Adjourned 12:42 pm by President Anne Billeter.
Member Meeting: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 1:30 pm
Next Board Meeting: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 9:30 am
RVGS will be closed on Thursday, July 4.
Respectively submitted,
Cathy Ullrich

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