Agenda & Minutes

RVGS Board of Directors (View All)

RVGS Board Meeting

Monday, July 08, 2024

Board Meeting Agenda – Monday, 8 July 2024, 9:30 AM

I. Call to Order; establish quorum - Anne Billeter 
II. Approval of previous month’s minutes - Cathy Ullrich
A. Review correspondence
B. Acknowledgment of email action to approve appointment of Jeanne Hoadley as Education Director
C. Acknowledgment of email action to approve appointment of Financial Review Committee members
III. Review and approve Treasurer’s Report - Kim Thurman
A. Discussion of interpretation of Bylaw Article XV. 3
B. Discussion of disposition of Colleen Eccleston memorial donation                       
IV. New Business
A. NGS Survey discussion (tentative) - Kim Thurman
B. Phoenix Pirates mascot t-shirt fundraiser - Kim Thurman
C. Proposal to Revise Policies to remove JCGL wherever referenced,without separate review of each one by the Board - Katie Haugse
D. Proposal to hold Book Sale during September in Reading Room - Anne Billeter
E. Oregon Heritage Mentorship - Anne Billeter
F. Solar Proposal - Frank Marksman                                                                    
V. Unfinished Business                                                                                      
VI. Reports approved without discussion unless action is noted below:
A. Executive:
1. President - Anne Billeter  
2. Vice President - Frank Marksman
3. Trustee - Ros Lyne
4. Past President - Katie Haugse           
B. Directors:
1. Volunteer - Ann Baracker
2. Technology & Data Management - Rich Miles
3. Membership - Loretta Barker
4. Education - Jeanne Hoadley
C. Committees:
1. Library - Anne Billeter
2. NGS - Matt Weismantel
3. Editors:    eNews (due 20th each month) - Pam Olsen                
                      Rogue Digger (August 1 deadline) - Cindi Hobson
VII. Meetings
A. Membership Meeting - Sept. 17
B. Next Board Meeting - Aug. 12
VIII. Adjourn - Anne Billeter

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