Immigration and Emigration Sources

Emigrants: Sources of information on those leaving German lands* Books
  • Germans to America Series
  • Shtetl Finder
*See also, Germans Around the World

Helpful smaller sites if you know your ancestor's place of origin Books
Lower Saxony / Kreise Lingen: Walter Tendale’s book of emigrants; St. Louis County, Missouri, Library, History & Genealogy Department.

Immigrants: Sources of information on those arriving in the United States from German lands*
  1. Castle Garden.  11 million records of people who arrived at the Port of New York from 1820-1892. 
  2. Ellis Island Foundation 
  3. GenWeb's US site
  4. Jewishgen has information on Jewish immigration but is not limited to that topic.  There is an Ellis Island Records search tab. 
  5. Steve Morse has a wonderful site with US and Canadian immigration information that will help with your search, includes census information and calendar conversions.  
  6. Baltimore site
  7. National Archives
  8. Library of Congress
  9. Ancestry
  10. Family Search’s wiki for Locating Place of Origin 
Books: German Immigrants in American Church Records, Vol. 1-28. Locates many Protestant churches in the United States.

*See also Germans in America


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